We Garden Communities
Grassroots Gardens WNY is a dedicated group of community gardeners and activists. Our mission is to share knowledge, power and resources to grow healthy food, heal systemic harm, and strengthen neighborhood connections through community gardens. We collaboratively cultivate and manage more than one million square feet (and growing!) of urban green space. We have over 100 community gardens in our network.
Our work is rooted in the belief that a garden has the power to transform a neighborhood. Community gardens deliver beauty and escape while many produce healthy food in unexpected places. A garden creates a shared sense of purpose that empowers a community, creates environmental awareness, and improves public health.

Have a question or need?
Call us at 716-783-9653

Our Community Garden Resource Center & Office on Broadway are open by appointment only during the off-season.

Ask a question, share a photo or testimonial, or give us feedback via email at grgbuffalo@gmail.com